John Martin is committed to the optimization of its logistics processes
John Martin has existed for more than 100 years on the Belgian beer market. Since years, the company is known as a renown distributor of Belgian and foreign special beers, at home and abroad.
As quality is very important to the company John Martin, they decided to thoroughly audit the logistics operations and the organisation of transport. For this audit, they appealed to the experienced consultants of De Putter & Co. During the logistics audit, the existing procedures and methodes, the internal communication between different departments, the planning and the warehouse lay-out were analysed and tested out with “Best Practices”. All this, based on the experiences and know-how of our consultants. Afterwards, these findings with corresponding quick wins and structural improvement potential were presented to the management of the organisation. In the mean time, De Putter & Co has started the implementation of the proposed quick wins in the form of an intensive and profound logistics optimisation project. Customer: John Martin Published 2014
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